Archive for June, 2008

The Best Strategy is Speed

Anthony, a friend of mine, sent me this excellent link yesterday.

Arnie on Focus

I was watching Pumping Iron featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger and, even if you’re not trying to put 10kg on like I am, Arnie is one inspiring guy.

His focus is amazing. He clears everything out of his life leading up to a body building event and focuses only on it. Even to the point where he says he did not visit his father’s funeral because it would distract him from preparation for an upcoming event. I think this is a huge factor in him winning 7 times.

It leaves a tough question in my mind about focusing on studying vs one of my two startups. The benefits of focusing on one and only one are obvious. Perhaps focusing on different ones at different times of the year will still yield some fruit?

Do and Accept

I’m in a really interesting head space right now. I’m trying to describe it and explain it. Why? I like intellectual exercises, I like thinking, I’m feeling very spiritual, I like philosophy and I might learn something.

It’s almost as though I’ve fully come to understand Wei Wu Wei and reached a plain of being where beliefs, perceptions, “should dos” and “should not dos” don’t exist. You just do and then you accept the outcome of doing.

If something didn’t work, then it didn’t work. You accept it, make a quick analysis then make a decision to change or re-channel something next time and redo. Repeating the Do and Accept process.

Leadership and business books will tell you the best decision is a decision that was made. This perfectly applies to personal growth, make a decision and act upon it. Accept the outcome and change again accordingly if necessary. (Fail early fail fast and fail often).

If you have tried to do something and failed, you are vastly better off than if you had tried to do nothing and succeeded.

Fractured Lumbar Spine

Guess what!

I’ve fractured part of my spine. Woo hoo! That’s my second broken bone this year and my second fracture in my lumbar spine. It’s only one of the bits off to the side (see image from “Spine Universe” to the right).

Lumbar spine

I’d just been cleared to play footy again and managed to do the new injury right at the end of the game. It’s just not my season.

You can’t let these things get in the way though, in fact it’s all quite funny – hopefully I’ll get my share of good luck sometime soon (or maybe this is payback for a bad deed?)

Over the course of my broken collar bone (6 months) I lost almost 10 kgs. I can still get down the gym with the fracture in my back so I’m going to work on getting back to weighing 82 kgs.

My goal for the next six months is to reach 80kg again.

This means I get to eat 8 meals a day!

Scott Middleton
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June 2008